Affichage des articles dont le libellé est SNB Switzerland. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est SNB Switzerland. Afficher tous les articles


Evidences for a market crash's forensic analysis

  • Aug. 2013, Dec. 2014, Apr. 2015, June 2015, August 2015 gold futures contracts: backwardations

  • TIC flows : UST

  • China foreign exchange reserves :

  • UST held in custody in NY for Foreign Official and International Accounts :
  • UST rates :
yield curve 3/24/2015

Swiss bond rates structure 01/2015 (source)

10Y Swiss bond rate

We observe same negative yield curves for Austria, Belgium, Finland, Sweden.
  • JGB rates :


30Y JGB 
  • 10Y bonds worldwide ranking 02/07/2015 :
  • Exchange rates :
USD / Euro, updated daily

USD / Euro since 1978 ; updated monthly

1Y history,  Ukrainian hryvnia / EUR

5Y history, UAH/RUB
  • Western and BRICS currencies priced in mg of gold :
lhs: USDEuroGBPCHF; 
rhs: Yuan, RupeeReal priced in mg of Gold 
  • WTI and Brent prices, spread :
  • Velocity of U.S. M2 money stock :
U.S. : Velocity of M2 money stock 
(rhs: calculated using GDP/M2, green and grey 
lhs: calculated using GDP / StLouis Fed non-adjusted monetary base, blue and red)