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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est political anticipation. Afficher tous les articles


The inevitable counter-revolution of the American people (The U.S. in 20th/21st c., Part 2)

Here is the introduction of my article published this month in the Magazine of Political Anticipation (M.A.P.) number 8, which is freely available in several translations: frenchenglishgerman, spanish.

Please note that another version of this article, longer than the one published in the M.A.P., is also available but only in french for the moment. This one represents the part 2 in this serie 'The U.S. in 20th/21st c.'.
Part 1 is here.

Updated 05/2014: Part 3 is now available.

The inevitable counter-revolution of the American people

(translation : Ian Shaw)

The American Republic has seen extraordinary and continuous changes since September 2001. We must call these changes a revolution, or a permanent coup, which has gradually rolled back the US Republic’s institutions to the level of simple charades. This revolution is a Great Decline, i.e. a movement which will only be reversed with the victory of a counter-revolution led by the American people, the first signs of existence of which are seeing the light of day. At the end of this long fight, none of the current federal institutions will survive without being, at best, deeply changed.

The global systemic crisis is, above all, reflected as a crisis of the status quo, which characterizes an era when changes, although present and deep-seated, are very few and far from perceptible on the surface or in the mainstream media. The crisis therefore acts as an unmasking, together with acceleration in the dynamics of change, while preserving the major trends. This is why it’s essential to examine the American Republic’s progression from a dynamic angle, instead of a frozen image usually limited to a snapshot of the situation. 
We identify four principal forces, often opposing, of time-varying intensity and the result of which at each instant explains the situation in the past, present and future: 
  • the dynamic of morals, which produces ideologies at the core of society ;
  • the social dynamic of exchanges between individuals, produced by the dominant ideology (which includes, amongst others, all the elements of classic economic analysis) ;
  • the external dynamic, that put to work by other countries through relations (trade, financial, monetary, military, political etc.) between governments and organizations; foreign policy aiming at influencing these relations to obtain effects favourable to the country ; 
  • the internal political dynamic, produced by the relationship between citizens, organizations and the federal government, and of which justice is an essential part.

A thought unsuited to the 21st century

The dynamic of morals is that which evolves the slowest. The creation and especially the airing of ideology in society require decades. Neoliberalism is dominant, and an environmental policy is still in its infancy in the US. In the corridors of power, the ideology of a strong executive has obliterated any other idea.

The progressive forces are disorganized and in the babble major media is reduced to only produce individual resistance strategies at best, otherwise warnings or wake-up calls for comfortably numb minds, but not political organizations to spread fundamentally new ideas of social justice. Religion only has a role as custodian, unlike what occurred in South Africa. Citizens are reduced to accumulating rations and ammunition whilst waiting for worst, and that’s why it’s what will happen.


After this introduction you can read the remaining part and the references used for this article by downloading the free and newly released Magazine of Political Anticipation number 8. The article is page 11 to 17


Gold, the renminbi and the multiple-currency reserve system

 The Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum and the World Gold Council have just released a new report called "Gold, the renminbi and the multiple-currency reserve system".

The foreword is by itself a very good synthesis of the current situation :
" The world is preparing for possible twin shocks from the parlous position of the two main reserve currencies, the dollar and the euro. As China weighs up its options for joining in the reserve asset game, gold – the official asset that plays no formal part in the monetary system, yet has never really gone away – is poised, once again, to play a pivotal role. [...] No other reserve asset seems safe from the coming dollar shock. "
If this new international monetary system preparation and the dollar replacement as the major reserve and international currency still looks incredible for you, here are others synthetic views of the current situation :

ECRI U.S. Weekly Leading Index ;
data serie from 1967 to 1/4/2013; click to zoom

Share of AAA-rates assets as part of the total fixed income markets

...this is the rush towards new safe assets (for instance below Australian AAA sovereign bonds) :

...and out from the U.S. Treasury and Agency securities :

...and add to this the reports about gold massively bought and recycled out from LBMA system or newly claimed by Asian countries.

Now back to the OMFIF report : Chapter 4 summarizes different prospective scenarii for the 2013-2018 timeframe. As usual with prospective-only scenario, they simply ignore the politics, and let the readers do their own choice. More, they do not argument at all why they have chosen these scenario and not others ones, and do not even mention Japan.

I have then to give my own view, based on previous political anticipation about the strenghtening of the eurozone, more political integration into Euroland+ (i.e. EU less UK plus Scotland), more weakness of the Fed blunt monetary policy, increasing defiance towards Fed monetary policy from others interests, and a new monetary policy from Japan following the recent election (cf Yahoo News). 

Currency zone
Macroeconomic developments
Currency effect
Impact on gold
US economy in recession due to fiscal tightening and ineffective policies. Public finances remain weak, as does domestic demand.
Dollar drops as fast as the new reverse system is taking momentum.
Gold market manipulation and Euro strength are initially gold negative, but US weakness then cannot avoid to boost gold.
Eurozone / Euroland+
Euro area works through its problems and survives intact, thanks to the new integrated policies and macroeconomics tools.
Euro strengthens as Europe appears to have overcome the crisis.
Euro strength is gold negative, but US weakness then cannot avoid to boost gold.
China and South Asia
China tries to stimulate domestic demand.
Renminbi decouples from dollar as further de-pegging is seen as attractive.
Chinese buying continues. Emerging market central banks continue opportunistically to build up gold stocks.
Japan tries to stimulate domestic economy using a new monetary policy.
BoJ decouples from Fed policy as further pegging of Yen with Renminbi is seen as attractive.
BoJ have to buy some gold stocks to back their own currency, and/or sell their U.S. Treasury for others bonds.

I will discuss UK geoeconomics in a future article, if this priority increases.


Primary Dealers to Fed : "Checklist OK. We are ready for a massive QE3"

As anticipated...
 An operation like QE needs a complex planning to be executed with the less possible risks (speaking for the Wall Street players, primarily).

Here are some of the known steps of the preparatory process, which seem completed now :

"In a reverse repo, the Fed lends securities for a set period, temporarily draining cash from the banking system. 
In a tri-party arrangement, a third party functions as the agent for the transaction and holds the security as collateral. JPMorgan Chase and Bank of New York Mellon are the only banks that serve in a trade-clearing capacity in the tri- party repo market."
This will allow a new massive lend of securities by the FED and only 2 banks will be drained of cash. The FED has sub-contracted the new clearing operations (and subsequent margins) to its 2 closest primary dealers.


New US Gov. Budget : public debt to GDP ratio will exceed 137% in 2016

[This is the part 3 of our series on US Debt : read part 1, part 2]

On February 13, 2012, the new FY2013 federal budget was released. It budgeted further major increases in the public debt each year up to 2016. We added these exact values to our open model we recently released and used to follow the trend of rising US public debt.

The US Gov. has made some assumptions about the future country GDP up to 2016, just to explain that the debt to GDB ratio will remain constant (or "under control" politically speaking). Our open model allows anybody to test with any other hypothesis.

Here are the main results for 6 scenarii : 
  • 1% growth per year  
  • 0% growth per year 
  • a scenario with required growth to meet the US Gov. debt to GDP goals each year. Yes you are right, US GDP needs to grow 7% in 2015 and 2016. 
  • 2% growth per year
  • and 2 different scenarii involving a systemic shock and a depression : one similar to 2008 crisis, and another one similar to the implosion of former USSR in 1990's.

Please note that none of these scenarii are taking into account an upcoming QE3 or any new massive bailout which will inflate the debt even faster (as US Gov. has always chosen this road). 
The first four scenarii are simple continuity of the past since 2009, if you're placing any confidence into these GDP figures :

Do you really think the third scenario, supported by the US Gov., is the most probable ? We don't think so. 
We therefore consider that the total public debt to GDP ratio will exceed 137% in 2016, and up to 250% when massive bailout, or worse, will surge again.


How to replace the world trade reference currency ?

In order to contribute to answer this question, we have chosen to study facts in recent history, i.e. the replacement of Pound Sterling by US dollar during the XXth century. It is difficult to find accurate information about how this change occurred. Central Banks' archives are not available to the general public. But a recent work by Schenk[1] shed new light on this question.

We will introduce relevant data aggregates coming from IMF to figure out the current status and the dire anticipated future for the US dollar.

From a reserve currency to a dominant currency

First, Schenk has pointed to the need to distinguish the reference currency used for the usual international trade from the dominant currency in central banks reserves. The currency used for the international trade is a simple political choice, based on the known currency stability at this time. US dollar was chosen in Bretton Woods, 1944.

Second, the choice of world trade reference currency has only little link with the current dominant currency in central banks reserves. Read the sentence on page 4, Ref[1]: "...the dominant reserve currency shifted from sterling to the USD and back again during the inter-war period." [2]
Technically, this currency used for the international trade can be replaced in a few months with the current computing systems. After the decision is taken at an international level, we only need to modify the currency used in some few key markets including oil, commodities, gold.
The replacement of Sterling by the US dollar has occured when the US$ was less than 30% of central banks reserves. This replacement has driven a huge deflationary pressure onto the Sterling, at this time the dominant reserve currency. This is the reason why a strategic partnership was introduced between US and UK. But also, multiple monetary cooperations have been deployed by the main central banks to avoid a rapid collapse of Sterling. This transition occurred during several tens of years (see graphic below) when we saw the Sterling depreciate slowly step by step, like if we release steam pressure. If this transition has taken so long, we can be sure it was the only way to protect UK banking system (and its owners), who agreed, in return, to change UK policy into a strong ally of US on every future subjects.

(clic to zoom)

We can draw several conclusions from this historical comparison relevant for our times :
  • First, the second dominant reserve currency deserves a deep attention (see next part below). This currency does not need to become the first dominant reserve currency before becoming the world reference currency
  • Second, as soon as the world trade reference currency has officially changed, an enormous force is liberated leading to the devaluing of the previous reference currency, because it is less used hence less needed into central banks reserves. A lot of people then want to sell a lot of this currency. We can even precise that the speed of devaluing is not in the hands of its emitting country. It is fully in the hands of others central banks who own large assets in this currency. They must negotiate successfully in order to avoid a brutal currency collapse. This deal must be executed during tens of years to release the deflationary pressure step by step, using small devaluings. In our times, the big owners of US dollar reserves, apart Fed, are China, Japan, Gulf Countries, and some countries in Europe. How much of them are nowadays really willing to avoid the US dollar collapse at any price, and have the economy in good health to support this transition's weight during so long ?
  • Third, UK situation up to 1945 was very different than the US current situation, see sovereign debt and unemployment ratio, public services and industrial investments, military infrastructure to sustain. International relations were fully different : UN, IMF were created at this time, and currently UN, G20 and IMF have not succeeded in enforcing any real solution about the global systemic crisis and about the monetary disequilibrium. That's why monetary strategies used for decades to move from Sterling to US dollar and support Sterling with a long transition period cannot be used today.

The dollar, Euro and Unallocated reserves in central banks

We made some simple calculations based on last available IMF COFER data[3], to figure out the different currencies total reserves. Here we want to compare data available for all countries together, for advanced economies, for emerging and developing economies, for USA alone, and for Hong-Kong chinese special administrative region.

1) Composition and growth of official reserve assets (or total foreign exchange holdings) between 1999 and 2011

(clic to zoom)

The main facts to notice are :
  • Total foreign exchange holdings have increased much more from 2001 to 2007 than from 2007 to 2011 in any countries groups
  • This growth is always much bigger in Emerging and developing economies than in Advanced economies
  • Hong Kong and USA have fully different growth patterns compared to any countries groups : a weaker growth between 2001 and 2007, and a much stronger between 2007 and 2011 (see yellow cells)
  • The Unallocated reserves[4] are quickly becoming the dominant share of official reserve assets in the world, including China
They counted for 22% of world total foreign exchange holdings in 2001, 37% in 2007, 45% in Q4 2010. Growth of the Unallocated reserves is much stronger than growth of allocated reserves anywhere between 2001 and 2011 (see blue cells). Once again, this trend is much bigger in Emerging and developing economies. They own now 91% of all unallocated reserves in the world, when advanced economies own only 9% (see rows : "% unallocated in the world" ).
  • The Emerging and developing economies owns 2 third of the world total foreign exchange holdings. From 38% of the total in 2001, this share climbs to 59% in 2007 and 67% in 2011.
  • The Fed owns a tiny and a shrinking share of world total reserve assets
From 4.1% in 2000, this share has shrunk to 1.2% in 2007. Even with the massive QE program and Treasuries purchases by the Fed since 2008, this share is currently still only 1.5%. They are half of Hong-Kong's reserves since 2001 (see violet cells).

2) Composition and growth of allocated reserves in Euro, dollar and SDR currencies between 1999 and 2011

(clic to zoom)

Knowing that allocated reserves represent only 55% of world total reserves assets in Q4 2010, the main facts to notice are :
  • Growth for world claims in US dollar is significantly lower than growth for world claims in euros, and continously since 2001. It is even lower than growth for claims in SDR[5] basket currencies in the same period. This trend is observed for advanced economies as well for the Emerging and developing economies (see green cells).
  • If world claims in dollar represent currently 61% (respectively 26% for Euros) of world total allocated reserves, they represent only 34% of world total foreign exchange holdings (respectively 15% for Euros). This means that the exact composition of currencies into the Unallocated Reserves have a decisive weight to determine the really dominant currency in world reserves (see rose cells). Said differently, it could be possible that today already the dominant currency in reserves would actually be Euro. At least, we can only say that dollar is currently only the supposed dominant currency in world reserves.
  • The share of claims in Euro in allocated reserves is similar in advanced economies and in Emerging economies, and same for claims in dollar. (see rows "euros / total allocated reserves" )
  • The difference between claims in dollar and claims in Euros is lower in Emerging economies (64 - 25%) than in Advanced economies (58 – 28%). Said differently, the Emerging economies are willing to report the claims in Euros (instead in dollar) more often than the Advanced economies.
These graphs[6] summarize the situation of the claims in Euros and dollar (clic to zoom) :


And the following graph summarizes the question around the currently dominant reserve currency. It is relevant because of the dominant share of Emerging economies in the world reserves :

(clic to zoom)

Let's have a look now on claims in SDR basket currencies. These shares allow us to compare a little more precisely between US and Hong-Kong reserves, because they report the claims in SDR basket currencies but not in dollar or in euros.
It is important to note that "The initial weights assigned to each currency in the SDR basket have been adjusted to take account of changes in the share of each currency in world exports of goods and services and international reserves."[7] In this respect, Euro share is 37.4% and dollar share is 41.9%.

(clic to zoom)

Knowing that allocated reserves represent only 55% of world total reserves assets in Q4 2010, the main facts to notice are :
  • The share of Yen and Sterling in reserves is tiny in any group of countries.[8] This means that trends observed using claims in Euro and dollar are still valid.
  • The Hong-Kong's central bank has started to diversify in others currencies since 2007 (it could be asian neighbors currencies, Ruble, Real…). This share currently remains small.
  • The Fed does not claim any asset in Canadian Dollar, or Mexican Peso.
  • The Fed's share of claims in SDR basket currencies in the world represent nearly half of Hong-Kong's one.
  • The growth of claims in SDR basket currencies has suddenly increased (108%) between 2007 and 2011 in US, more than in any group of countries, and even more than Hong-Kong.

People are running faster than bankers

UN and IMF has already published papers about the unavoidable move from US dollar as the world trade reference currency in the following years. Since years, the question is not about IF, but about HOW and WHEN.
From our article's perspective, we can say that the transition period for the US dollar will be fully different compared to the Sterling's one.[9a]
Currently most central banks have only one ideology : how to sustain US dollar reference currency 20 years more, to mitigate their own risks and allow a managed transition towards a (still to be internationally decided) next reference currency or basket of currencies ?
The problem is that the social situation in most countries is so bad[9] that people will never give the time to this 20 years long strategy to maturate and be executed. More and more people in the world become conscious that central banks' interests are opposite to theirs. This will also influence many central banks to not support the strategy decided by the currently leading central banks so far (US and UK).  
This is the main reason why a managed transition to replace US dollar will not take place, and therefore why US dollar will collapse.
The question of WHEN this will take place has already been discussed by LEAP[10] , Lee Adler (see also interview part 2 on ZeroHedge) , Edwin Vieira and others. The collapse is a process which will take some months to complete, not a single day. It  could start as early as in next coming months, or next few years depending on extraordinary monetary decisions (QE3 or similar massive bond purchases, first limited dollar devaluation, tentative short period of hyperinflation...), public results of audit of the Fed or US gold reserves, or massive social unrest in the US.

[1] "The Retirement of Sterling as a Reserve Currency after 1945: Lessons for the US Dollar ?", Catherine R. Schenk, Canadian Network for Economic History conference, 10/2009.
[2] followed by a reference : B. Eichengreen and M. Flandreau, ‘The rise and fall of the dollar, or when did the dollar replace sterling as the leading international currency?’, NBER Working Paper 14154, 2008.
[3] IMF, March 2011 ; At the present, 33 advanced economies and 105 emerging or developing economies report most of their allocations to COFER. Because COFER full data for China mainland are not available, we choose to compare also with Hong-Kong chinese special administrative region data. The "All IMF reporting countries" rows include China mainland figures.
[4] Unallocated reserves represent the total reserves of non reporting countries to COFER, and any discrepancy between countries’ data on total reserves as reported to COFER and to IFS. This covers more than 180 countries.
[5] The SDR was redefined as a basket of currencies, today consisting of the euro, Japanese yen, pound sterling, and U.S. dollar. In the tables, "claims in SDR basket currencies" means the sum of the claims in dollar, euro, Yen, Sterling.
[6], 06/2011.
[7] IMF, 12/30/2010.
[8] It can be estimated as the difference between claims in SDR basket currencies and claims in euros, minus claims in dollar.
[9a] For another graphical view of this transition, we can refer to the US debt to GDP ratio since 1900, and UK debt to GDP since 1692.
[10] "Last warning before the Autumn 2011 shock, when $15 trillion of financial assets go up in smoke” G.E.A.B number 56, Laboratoire Européen d’Anticipation Politique, june 2011.

Update 18th of July 2011 :
This article has already been read by many persons from 46 countries !
Here is a summary of the main readers location :

(clic to enlarge)
Update 20th, 22nd, 25th of July :
added  new countries and significant towns : Bangkok (Thailand), New Delhi (India), Warsaw (Poland), Tunis (Tunisia), Hanoi (Vietnam), Geneva (Switzerland), Ljubljana (Slovenia) for a total of 51 different countries ;  31 states and 114 different towns in the United States.

Update 21st of August :
new total of 55 different countries.

Update 07/26/2013 :
updated data can be found on these pages :

Excerpts from The Gold Basis 

Excerpts from The Federal Reserves's Dashboard

Update 05/19/2014 :
Because of this original article, IMF has finally decided to communicate more transparently about these unallocated reserves (see also here). No, IMF: you do not need to thank me.

World: shares of unallocated reserves

 World and EM countries: shares of unallocated reserves


World population in 2050 : new revision and even more pressure on ressources

 United Nations has released this month the 2010 revision of their demographic forecast :
 9 708 595 000 is the updated number of humans in 2050 using the standard/medium fertility variant, up from 9.1 billions in the last revision.
This trend is putting even more pressure on our ressources, as described into our previous writings (MAP1, MAP2)


International food policy: towards a “diplomatic revolution” (published in Political Anticipation Magazine Winter 2011)

"The problem has become inevitable for our policy makers: How to feed the world’s current and future population? From recent studies and projections we will highlight the new central issues concerning the geopolitics of food, in order to provide elements that can help decision making."
In continuation of my previous article about the global ecological crisis, I publish this second article about international food policy in the new issue of Magazine of Political Anticipation - Winter 2011, now available in English. Translations into other languages ​​are already available (FR, ES, IT). 

M.A.P. is the only free magazine about political anticipation available under Creative Commons licence. It is published by the Laboratoire Européen d'Anticipation Politique (LEAP) and Newropeans Magazine. 


Política alimentaria internacional : hacia una “revolución diplomática”

 "El problema ya es inevitable para nuestros responsables políticos: ¿Cómo alimentar a la población mundial actual y futura? A partir de estudios y proyecciones recientes, aislaremos los nuevos temas centrales relativos a la geopolítica agrícola, con vistas a aportar elementos que puedan ayudar a la toma de decisiones."

El resto de este artículo fue publicado en el secundo número de La Revista de Política Anticipación (M.A.P.), en francés, español, italiano y (y presto en inglese).

Politica alimentare internazionale : verso una “rivoluzione diplomatica”

 L’attualità, ricca di avvenimenti, rimette in luce la domanda ormai lancinante alla quale i dirigenti dovranno rispondere  :  « Come nutrire la nostra popolazione ora e negli anni a venire ? ». Partendo da una sintesi degli studi e scénari recentemente prodotti, mettiamo in evidenza le nuove poste in gioco geopolitiche dell’agricultura, nella prospettiva di aiutare a prendere una décisione.

Il seguente articolo è stato pubblicato il M.A.P. #2 inverno 2011, la rivista di anticipazione politica, che è stata completamente tradotta in italiano. Questo numero di M.A.P. è disponibile sul web del LEAP, disponibile anche in francese e espagnolo... e presto in englese.


La crisis ecológica global ha comenzado

 "A lo largo de la historia, el daño ambiental y el cambio climático se encuentran entre las principales causas del colapso de las sociedades. Una crisis ecológica cuestiona el modelo de desarrollo socio-económico, y por lo tanto es una crisis del modelo. La escala de tiempo nos interesan fundamentalmente: el problema ya se ha instalado y vamos a ver los primeros efectos del fracaso estratégico en el curso de nuestras vidas. Y si no somos capaces de resolver esta crisis ecológica, nuestros hijos o nietos no tendrán más remedio que sufrir los efectos devastadores de esta incapacidad para transformar nuestro modelo social."
El resto de este artículo fue publicado en el primer número de La Revista de Política Anticipación (M.A.P.), en francés, español, alemán, italiano y.

Los datos utilizados en este artículo, para el 2010 y el escenario político de la previsiónpara 2020 y 2050 y una bibliografía adicional se publicará como anexo a este blog:


Manual of Political Anticipation

 The Manual of Political Anticipation is now available in French, English, German and Spanish.
Thanks to this tool designed by Marie-Hélène Caillol, head of LEAP, each and everyone can understand why political anticipation is a major new way of improving our societies, how to do his/her own political anticipation and give detailed thoughts to the assets and limits of political anticipation.
At a time when the world is crossing a critical historical threshold, this Manual is a unique decision support instrument for groups or individuals, very easy to read. The book can be bought on Anticipolis Publishing website (60 pages / 10€).

English version : Anticipolis Publishings
Versión en español :  


La crisi ecologica globale è iniziata

 "Nel corso della storia, i danni causati all’ambiente e il cambiamento climatico sono tra le cause principali del crollo delle società. Una crisi ecologica mette in discussione il modello di sviluppo socio-economico, ed è dunque una crisi del modello stesso. La scala temporale in questione ci riguarda in prima persona : i fenomeni hanno preso piede, ne vedremo i primi effetti di rottura strategica durante il corso della nostra vita. E se falliremo nel risolvere questa crisi ecologica, i nostri figli o nipoti non avranno altra possibilità che subire gli effetti devastanti di questa incapacità a trasformare il nostro modello di società."
I dati utilizzati in questo articolo, per il 2010 e lo scenario di anticipazione politica fino al 2020 e il 2050, e una bibliografia aggiuntiva sarà pubblicato in allegato a questo blog:
Il seguente articolo è stato pubblicato il MAP, la rivista di anticipazione politica, che è stata completamente tradotta in italiano. La presentazione di questo primo numero di MAP è disponibile sul web del LEAP, disponibile anche in tedesco e francese... e spagnolo (aggiornato 30/01).

Die weltweite Umweltkrise hat begonnen

 "Im Laufe der Geschichte sind die Beschädigungen der Umwelt und der Klimawandel mit die wichtig-sten Gründe für den Zusammenbruch von Gesellschaften. Eine ökologische oder Umweltkrise stellt das Modell der gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung in Frage, ist also eine Krise dieses Modells. Der in Frage stehende Zeitrahmen betrifft in erster Linie uns: die Phänomene sind schon da, wir werden die ersten strategischen Umbrüche sehend miterleben. Und wenn wir diese Umweltkrise nicht zu lösen vermögen, bleibt unseren Kindern oder Kindeskindern nichts als die zerstörerischen Folgen unserer Unfähigkeit zur Umformung unseres Gesellschaftsmodells zu erdulden."

Der folgende Artikel wurde in den M.A.P. #1, das Magazin für Politische Antizipation, veröffentlicht.

M.A.P. wird von Anfang an in drei Sprachen (Französisch Deutsch Italienisch) erscheinen. Wir gehen davon aus, dass andere bedeutende Sprachen wie Englisch, Spanisch (aktualisiert 30/01), Russisch, Chinesisch und Arabisch bald folgen können. Denn M.A.P. soll einen möglichst großen Leserkreis unmittelbar erreichen.
Die Angaben in diesem Artikel verwendet, für 2010 und die Vorfreude Szenario bis 2020 und 2050 und ausführliche Hinweise wird als Anhänge zu diesem Blog veröffentlicht werden: