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And The Gold Bank Appears: following Fekete, China is embracing New Austrian Economics as the foundation for the new International Monetary System

You might already know that China aims for Official Gold Reserves at 8500 tonnes.

But you surely not know about the golden treasure embedded in the original opinion editorial by Song Xin, General Manager of the China National Gold Group Corporation, Party Secretary and President of the China Gold Association, 07/30/2014. 

He spoke about the strategic role of gold, and new institutions needed for gold circulation, precisely in the logic based on New Austrian Economics that I'm using in my articles on Conscience Sociale and elsewhere since 2011. [articles in english ; en français]. 

His sentences about the GOLD BANK is truly one of strong evidence of what I called the 'Grande Renaissance' which will transform the whole world in the following decades (another one is the growing interest in Agile Democracy).

Chosen excerpts of Xin's editorial [Translation by BullionStar], with emphasis mine :

"For China, the strategic mission of gold lies in the support of RMB internationalization, and so let China become a world economic power and make sure that the "China Dream" is realized. 

Gold is the only thing carrying the dual mantels of a commodity as well as a monetary substance. It's both a very 'honest' asset and forms the very material basis for modern fiat currencies. Historically, gold has played an irreplaceable role in responses to financial crises and wars as it comes to protecting a country's economic security. Because of this, gold carries with it an honored and divine-given strategic mission in the ascend of the Chinese people and the pursuit of the "China Dream".

The Important Function Of Gold.

Gold is the world's only monetary asset that has no counter party risk, and is the only cross-nation, cross-language, cross-ethnicity, cross-religion and cross-culture globally recognized monetary asset. Gold is the last protection for a country's economic security; it safeguards a nations sovereignty in times of crises. [...] 

From our country's point of view, gold has played an irreplaceable role in the development of our economic society.[...] After 1989, we suffered economic sanctions from Western countries for a while and the PBOC used our gold reserves to enter into swap agreements to obtain needed foreign currencies. Right now, gold is still serving its functions to protect against economic risks; contributing in ever more important ways to our financial security. For the moment, although in general the international scene is peaceful, conflicts can develop in certain regions. If there should be a blockade or regional war, there could be only one method of payment left: gold.

The strategic Mission Of Gold.

Since the 18th People Congress, general secretary Xi Jinping brought up the goal to revive our nation, to realize the "Chinese dream ". One important part of this dream is to have a strong economy. Though China is already the world's second largest economy, there is still a long way to go to become an economic powerhouse. The most critical part to this is that we don't have enough say in matters such as international finance and matters regarding the monetary system, the most obvious of which is the fact that the RMB hasn't fully internationalized.

Gold is a monetary asset that transcends national sovereignty, is very powerful to settle obligations when everything else fails, hence it's exactly the basis of a currency moving up in the international arena. When the British Pound and the USD became international currencies, their gold reserve as a share of total world gold reserves was 50% and 60% respectively; when the Euro was introduced, the combined gold reserves of the member countries was more than 10,000 tonnes, more than the US had. If the RMB wants to achieve international status, it must have popular acceptance and a stable value. To this end, other than having assurance from the issuing nation, it is very important to have enough gold as the foundation, raising the 'gold content' of the RMB. Therefore, to China, the meaning and mission of gold is to support the RMB to become an internationally accepted currency and make China an economic powerhouse.

In this view, our gold reserves are very low, both in terms of a nominal level as well as a percentage of official reserves. [...] The average of the world is about 10%, but for us it's only 1%.

That is why, in order for gold to fulfill its destined mission, we must raise our gold holdings a great deal, and do so with a solid plan. Step one should take us to the 4,000 tonnes mark, more than Germany and become number two in the world, next, we should increase step by step towards 8,500 tonnes, more than the US.

All-round, Multi-channel Increases In Gold Levels. Fulfill Our Part In Enabling Gold To Accomplish Its Strategic Mission.

How to achieve growth in our gold reserve? Apart from the PBOC directly buying in the open market, we should use also use the following strategies:

1. Relax gold import controls, grant large scale gold enterprises permits to import gold. In 2013, our gold consumption reached 1176.4 tonnes. Compared to the 426 tonnes of local production, there is a shortage of 750 tonnes. To meet this gap, we presently let the 12 commercial banks with gold-trading rights import standard gold ingots. But these banks lack the ability to refine and assay gold, they can only import standardized gold, missing the large amount of non-standardized gold and wasting the international resources that we could reach. By relaxing import controls, the large-scale gold companies can then obtain this gold and use their own technology to refine it into standard quality gold. This can help meet demand in the market, or turn gold into official reserves as required.

2. Establish a gold reserve building fund. This can be seeded using capital from the State Treasury, and open it for participation by private-sector capital in the public. It should be controlled by the State and used to target diverse off-shore gold resources, acquire mines and raw gold and in so doing, extend our reach beyond our borders and add a layer of opaque reserves to otherwise standard reserve numbers. 

3. Establish a Gold bank. We need to establish our gold bank as soon as possible, and enable it to break the barrier between the commodity and monetary world. It can further help us acquire reserves and give us more say and control in the gold market. It may be guided under the PBOC and led by the China Gold Association, involving leading gold industry companies and commercial banks, and it's business would include: gold pricing (fix), gold financing and leasing, gold-guaranteed payments, gold saving accounts, gold lending, gold production chain financing and issuance and trading of paper gold and other gold investments. This gold bank can then naturally use market-oriented methods to change commodity gold into monetary gold reserves, thus help us increase our strategic gold reserves."

And here they are, as we have anticipated: the Mint, the gold Clearing House, the Gold Bills, the Gold Bonds. Hats off, Pr. Fekete! 
Les bonnes idées ne meurent jamais. C'est même à çà qu'on les reconnaît.


ps: Dear readers, with this reform of the IMS now on the right track, this was my last post on Conscience Sociale, which is put on hold. Thanks for your constancy and your always growing interest : more than 10,000 pages viewed each month, specially by education, research institutes, banks and ministers all over the world.

My last advice would be to read again from time to time the most important and unfinished page on this site.

À mesure qu'on avance dans la vie, on s'aperçoit que le courage le plus rare est celui de penser.
(F.A. Thibault, 'Anatole France', 1844 – 1924)


Multipolar World Order

I received this morning the last book by Henry A. Kissinger : "World Order", Penguin Press, 2014, 420 p., ISBN 978-1-59420-614-6, released this month.

This blog post will be updated to collect my remarks and reading notes during the following months, taken with the following spirit: because Kissinger is one of the most known person who developed the conception of "using Globalization and Wars to create a Centralized, Iniquitous and Absolute New World Order", I will answer tit-for-tat his arguments in order to develop the conception of "using Globalization and Peace to create a Multipolar, Rightful and Respectful World Order".

[to be continued...]


How to hijack the last sovereign power of western states

Wales Summit Declaration, issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council, §72 : 
"We affirm therefore that cyber defence is part of NATO's core task of collective defence. A decision as to when a cyber attack would lead to the invocation of Article 5 would be taken by the North Atlantic Council on a case-by-case basis."

BUT, as Robert Madelin, director general of the European Commission’s Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CNECT) department,  stated it recently:
"... there are hundreds of [cyber] attacks every day of the year. Knowing where they come from is one of the big problems."
By the way, who are the representatives of the states at the NAC ? Head of states ? Prime Ministers ?
No, not at all. Here they are. All of them are non-elected persons. None of them report to the peoples. None of them have a democratic mandate.

This means that you can NOW have any NATO deep state (they are specialized in false flag attack since a century or more) launching a cyber-attack (even against his own state), providing the same kind of proofs they've shown you with MH17, or with Iraq WMD, or Assad chemical attack... yes you've never seen anything conclusive and more and more deception, that's right.

This cyber-attack would trigger a NAC summit... some nice slides with photos of computers will be shown to an audience with no forensic expert in IT security, and an official will say abruptly that "we are absolutely sure this attack comes from Russia/China/any BRICS ally, and it is an offensive against our national security". 

No independent expert will be allowed to examine the collected "proofs". If allowed, whatever his expertise and time, he would never be sure the data provided were not forged, or for whose side did the hackers really worked. As Robert Madeline said, you can make hundreds of these cyber attacks every day. You can so easily make and announce "one massive WTC like attack per day".

The fact that to be sure of where they are coming from is nearly impossible is a chance for the ones behind the false flag attacks. The only truth will be what some official will say, and the civil society will have no right neither opportunity to challenge these conclusions, never.

And according to Article 5 if US/UK insist to enforce it, this would mean all NATO States would be required to use military force against Russia, without asking previously to national Parliaments, Defense Ministers (NATO ambassadors are often diplomats with strong relations with Foreign Affairs department), only perhaps to their Head of States...
The last remaining sovereign power of European states, that is to say to declare war, would have been hijacked.

Because the decision to use Article 5 is not required to be agreed by every member of the Alliance, we anticipate a few states will resist this hijacking at the last minutes. Then we will not see a major NATO war OR the breaking of NATO Alliance. We will see a declaration of war AND the breaking of NATO at the same time. This declaration of war will be the dissolution act of NATO. 

NATO is not any more a defense alliance, because it has lost since 20 years against its utter most enemy within. It is now a puppet organisation, apparently moving but collapsing as soon as it will move too far from its strings.

Update 10/14/2014 :
I had the opportunity today to discuss this question with an european  general, who is daily involved with NATO. He recognized all the facts above, but said the article has been introduced "only to be prepared to new threats". He's personally believing this NATO article will not be used in case of an offensive limited to cyber attack, but only if the cyber offensive is used together with others tangible attacks.
In this case, why this important remarks have not been included into §72 ? This declaration was the longer ever produced by NATO summit. This §72 as it has been released includes a loophole, a juridical flaw which can be used to start a war on so-called legal basis. How was it possible ?


The Ukrainian War and the spirit of the peoples

[Cet article a d'abord été diffusé en français.]

It is still difficult today to discuss the lack of freedom within the Western mainstream media without being accused of extravagance or without being convinced to be Putin’s nephew. 

Yet, among other things, this freedom is just one of simple freedom`s multiple faces, and our determination to defend it will only be understood if there is the will to admit that, actually, there is no other way to really win this war in which the NATO rulers want to rush Europe.

Regarding the
barriers put today to the freedom of thought, Chomsky(1), Bourdieu(2), Orwell(3), de Sélys and Collon(3b), Scott(4) or Joly(5) and many others previously have also spoken about it long before we said it and will say it again. Particularly, the principle of consent manufacturing, once it has been imposed, leads to the fact that in this respect the feelings of the masses depend on the deleterious influence of the few, pushing everyone toward rushing things, misunderstanding, suspicion or fear. All this demonstrates better than anything else the degree of recklessness we have reached.

One of the good precepts of a philosophy worthy of this name is to never spread useless wailing while facing inevitable situations. Nowadays, the problem in the West is no longer how to preserve the freedom of the press. It is to seek ways of keeping citizens free in front of the suppression of such freedom. The issue is no longer the governments’ concern. It involves the civil society and, first of all, the individuals.

Yet, what would please us most of all here would be to define the conditions and means by which, on the edge or within the war and its easements, freedom can not only be preserved, but also shown. These means are four in number: lucidity, refusal, irony and stubbornness.

Lucidity is the engine of our own freedom
Lucidity supposes resistance ahead of hatred workouts and fate worship. In the world in which we live now, and with all the experience we have, it is certain that everything can be avoided. The war itself, which is a human phenomenon, can be at all times avoided or stopped by human means. Just knowing the history of the previous years regarding European politics is enough proof that wars, of any kind, have obvious causes. This clear view of things excludes blind hatred and chaotic despair. A free citizen, in 2014, does not despair and fights for what he believes to be true as if his action could influence the course of events. If he is a writer, whatever the medium, he would definitely not publish anything that could produce hatred or cause despair. All this is in his power.

Surrender sovereignty, or else refuse to give up
Still, a citizen can also be a state representative. The American and British governments  tried ten years ago to discredit the ideals of the United Nations and to dishonour all the guardians of our collective conscience with lies, deceit and injustice(6) by drawing them into the war in Iraq, only to be prevented in extremis by the will and courageous voice of a French minister(7). These same governments are now trying again to pull the strings in order to rush us into the war in Ukraine, and soon also against Russia, using the same infamous, shameless methods(8). However, they want to use NATO to bypass the Security Council of the UN, having learned from their 2003 failure. The NATO Summit in Wales on 4 and 5 September, bringing together 28 allied member states, has no other purpose than to replace in the public eyes a resolution of the Security Council on the next intervention in Ukraine, which will be preceded by the arrival of the American troops in Eastern EU bases(9), and also in Italy, Holland and Germany. That's nothing other than a reoccupation of Europe by the United States Army. The European states have actually not left their colonial status during the past 70 years, except during brief respites like the Gaullist period. In this respect, the TTIP and the recent fines applied to the European banks are only ways to restore the direct taxation of Europeans after the indirect taxation manifested through purchases of American Treasury bonds by all states.

Which man will find the courage to walk in the footsteps of Dominique de Villepin at the next summit and to refuse loudly that his country follow the fatal path where the United States and Britain want to lead the alliance? Who, without giving into haste, misunderstanding, suspicion or fear, will remember the words of Democritus, “a man's character makes his fate”? In the framework of this summit, the heavy responsibility and immense honour they have, should induce them to give priority to the disarmament of the opponents in Ukraine, with a peace that would not be in an Orwellian language, but instead in collaboration with the Eurasian Union.

Should we serve the lies or the freedom ?
Facing the rising tide of stupidity, it is also necessary to oppose some refusals. All the constraints of the world will never allow for some truthful minds to accept to be dishonest. Nevertheless, if only one knows the mechanism of information, it is easy to check the authenticity of any news. That is where a free journalist and a citizen must give full attention, because even if he can’t say what he thinks, he is allowed to not say what he does not think or what he believes is false. This is how a free newspaper is measured, by what it says and by what it doesn’t say. This freedom defined by the negative is, by far, the most important of all, if we know how to keep it, because it will therefore pave the way to true freedom. Accordingly, an independent newspaper shows the sources of its information, helps the public to evaluate them, repudiates the ballyhoo, removes invective comments, and overcomes the standardization of information through comments. In short, it serves the truth as humanly as possible. This measure, as relative as it is, allows him at least to deny something that no force in the world could push him accept: to serve lies.

This is what we expect from all contributors and columnists at the end of the next NATO summit.

Stubbornly cherish the truth
This is where things get ironical. As a principle we can say that any mind which has the taste and the means to enforce the constraint is not subject to irony. One can hardly imagine Kerry, Netanyahu, Fabius, Ashton, Yatsenyuk, taking just some examples among others, using the Socratic irony. Irony remains therefore an unprecedented weapon against the powerful. It complements the refusal by allowing not the fallacy rejection, but the truth presentation. A free journalist, in 2014, does not imagine his oppressors to be too intelligent. He is pessimistic regarding human beings. A truth stated dogmatically is censored nine times out of ten in mainstream news outlets. The same truth said pleasantly is censured only five times out of ten. This explains why French newspapers such as Le Canard Enchaîné can regularly publish the brave articles we all know. So, a free journalist in 2014 is necessarily ironic, although many times still unwillingly. Yet, truth and freedom, demanding mistresses as they are, have few lovers.

As a matter of fact, this attitude of mind that we have briefly defined is not efficiently sustained without a minimum of obstinacy. Many obstacles are placed in the path of the freedom of expression. The most severe are not the ones discouraging the people’s mind, as threats, suspensions, and lawsuits generally produce the opposite effect than the one initially intended. Yet, we must admit that there are discouraging obstacles: the constancy of ignorance, organized cowardice, aggressive stupidity, ostracism, and so on and so forth. Those are major obstacles that people must overcome. In this respect stubbornness is a cardinal virtue. By a curious but obvious paradox, it supports objectivity and tolerance.

Independent minds influence history
Here is a set of rules meant to protect freedom from becoming servitude. And after that? one will ask. After that? Let's take it easy, though. If only every Western country’s citizens were willing to maintain in their own sphere whatever they believe to be true and just. If only they wanted to contribute individually to the maintenance of freedom, resist the abandonment and make their will known, then and only then the war would be won, in the deepest sense of the word.

Yes, it is often unwillingly that a free spirit of this century shows its irony. Is there anything funny in this world on fire? Yet, the virtue of man is to face all that denies him. Nobody wants to start all over again today the twice bad experiences of 1914 and 1939. We should therefore try a different method, that of justice and transparency, under the auspices of the United Nations, since NATO can’t take on the UN’s responsibilities, in order to lead to inspections and peaceful disarmament. Yet, justice is only expressed in open hearts and still clairvoyant minds. Train these hearts and minds, wake them up, for it is the modest and ambitious task that belongs to the independent human beings. This is something we should keep in mind without looking further. History will or will not reflect these efforts. But they will have been made.

Even though, despite all our efforts, a new war ultimately occurs, Europe once again being destroyed within the most terrible years of its long history, we must work today for its future reconstruction. It will start by instilling the spirit and courage, and honour. Then future generations will remember our voices, will find our spirit and will walk in our footsteps long after NATO will have been swallowed by history. Countries that will cultivate these values do not cease to raise up history and mankind.

Dr. Bruno Paul, after the Manifesto by Albert Camus.

Translation by Georgeta Moldovan.

(1) ‘Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media', Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky, 1988.
(2) ‘Sur la télévision’, Pierre Bourdieu, 1996.
(3) '1984', E.A. Blair, a.k.a George Orwell, 1949.
(3b) 'Attention Médias ! Mediamensonges du Golfe. Manuel Antimanipulation’, Michel Collon, 1992
(4) ‘The deep politics and the deep state’,, 03/2014.
(6) a) « Colin Powell’s speech in front of the UN Security Council », 05 February 2003 ; 
b) Ever since 2004, the US inspections led during the war say that Iraq had abandoned its nuclear, chemical and biological programme after 1991 (Iraq Survey Group Final Report,, 2004) ; 
c) ‘Colin Powell : comment la CIA m'a trompé’, Nouvel Observateur, 03/2013.

(9) published a few hours after our article’s first release : 'Europe de l'Est: l'Otan veut déployer cinq nouvelles bases', RiaNovosti, 31/08/2014.


A Euro-BRICS joint statement on the Ukrainian crisis : Three strategic proposals

[Republished from LEAP/E2020 site.]
We [1], the undersigned members of civil society in Europe and the BRICS (academic professors and researchers, think-tank leaders, journalists, business representatives, civil society representatives), declare our common worry about the trends currently at play resulting from the crisis in Ukraine. These trends are affecting the international community, threatening the sovereignty of Ukraine and the independence of Europe mainly, triggering an unwelcome polarisation of the international system and impacting an always fragile geopolitical balance.
We strongly disagree with the disruption of Euro-Russian relations and its negative consequences on Euro-BRICS future-bearer relations, with the deployment of troops on both sides of the Euro-Russian border and in particular of foreign US military troops on Europe’s territory, with the growing tensions provoked by the non-concerted free-trade policies of Europe and Russia on common border countries such as Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, etc…
We also want to state that the humanitarian emergency situation in Ukraine and crimes and abuses committed against the civil populations during the Ukrainian crisis should be promptly dealt with and investigated.
We consider that the Ukrainian crisis calls for the set-up of a diplomatic arena to discuss Europe’s and Russia’s rights to organize their common markets and how to make these markets coexist peacefully. We estimate that the Euro-BRICS cooperation framework is likely to provide the proper mediation required to reach a positive result.
We wish to reaffirm our analysis [2] that Europe presents assets to contribute positively to the peaceful emergence of a multipolar world. Indeed the Ukrainian crisis has showed that, while an independent and open Europe provides grounds for the emergence of a multipolar world, a one-sided Europe creates the conditions for a world polarized between a Western bloc and the new global powers.
We want to remind that a historical transition from a unipolar world with the US as the sole superpower towards a multipolar world is underway that must be accompanied instead of contained. The whole world, including Europe and the United States, will gain from a commonly-conducted reorganisation of global governance acknowledging multipolarity. To this purpose, we need global leaders with a high sense of historical responsibility and collective interest.
It is this sense historical responsibility and collective interest that we call onto through this declaration.

** ACKNOWLEDGING SHARED RESPONSIBILITIES AS A PREREQUISITE – We have agreed that responsibilities over the crisis in Ukraine must be shared among Europe and Russia. On this basis of recognition of each player’s responsibilities only can peace be rebuilt in Ukraine and Euro-Russian relations revived.

** RESUMING EURO-RUSSIAN RELATIONS TO CREATE THE CONDITIONS FOR A UKRAINIAN-LED CRISIS RESOLUTION – It belongs to the Ukrainians to get organized and rebuild peace in Ukraine. However there is no way tensions between the pro-Russian and pro-European Ukrainians will deescalate if tensions between Russia and Europe do not deescalate first. Therefore, for the sake of peace in Ukraine, we require from European and Russian leaders to restart a constructive dialogue and we wish to encourage the media to provide a more objective information and correct the mis-information which would lead to more conflict in the future.

** A EURO-BRICS BACK-UP OF THE CRISIS RESOLUTION EFFORT – As a contribution to encourage and mediate the Euro-Russian effort to relaunch a solution-oriented dialogue, we request from Euro-BRICS leaders [3] that they soon [4] convene the first “Euro-BRICS summit for Ukraine” in an effort to establish causes, identify solutions and contribute to put in place the political and diplomatic conditions for a sovereign resolution of the Ukrainian crisis and for the prevention of similar crises with other Euro-Russian border states in the future.

 Undersigned members of civil society in Europe and the BRICS (academic professors and researchers, think-tank leaders, journalists, business representatives) by alphabetical order
. Adriana Abdenur – Professor, Institute of International Relations, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
. Jean-Paul Baquiast – Honorary State comptroller / Publisher of, Paris, France
. Marie-Hélène Caillol – President LEAP/E2020 (Laboratoire européen d’Anticipation Politique), Paris, France
. Jayanthi Chandrasekharan – Assistant Professor, Department of French, Loyola College, Chennai, India
. Jose-Maria Compagni-Morales – President FEFAP (Fundación para la Educación y Formación en Anticipación Política), Associate Professor IE Business School, Sevilla, Spain
. Taco Dankers – Entrepreneur, software engineer, Dankers & Frank, Consulting and Software Engineering, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
. Baudouin De Sonis – Executive manager, e-Forum & EU-China-Forum / Associate director IERI (Institut Européen des Relations Internationales), Brussels, Belgium
. Anna Gots – Financial Director, AEGEE-Europe / European Students’ Forum, Belgium
. Harald Greib – President IRPA (Internationaler Rat fur Politische Antizipation), Hamburg, Germany
. Christel Hahn – General coordinator AAFB, Germany
. Michael Kahn - Professor Extraordinaire, Stellenbosch University, South Africa / Director, Research and Innovation Associates, Cape Town, South Africa
. Caroline Lubbers – Project manager Euro-BRICS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
. Bruno Paul - Doctor in Sciences, Founder of, Paris, France 
. Zhongqi Pan – Professor at Center for BRICS studies, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
. Sylvain Perifel – Coordinator GEAB, Leap2020, Paris, France
. Marianne Ranke-Cormier – President Newropeans, Paris, France
. Yi Shen - Associate Professor at Center for BRICS studies, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
. Suyuan Sun – Research Associate at Center for BRICS studies, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
. Veronique Swinkels - Director general, BBK/Door Vriendschap Sterker, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
. Alexander Zhebit – Professor of International relations, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
. Jiejin Zhu - Associate Professor at Center for BRICS studies, Fudan University, Shanghai,


[1] This common statement results from a historical video-conference, organised on May 27th by LEAP in partnership with FEFAP and in collaboration with the Fudan University, Shanghai, which gathered 28 representatives from Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Netherlands, Spain, Russia and Ukraine, on the following theme: “The impact of the Ukrainian crisis on Euro-BRICS, Euro-U.S. and BRICS’ relations – A Euro-BRICS exchange of views on the Ukrainian crisis with a view to possible solutions”. The convergence of views was striking and led the group to draft this joint statement.
[2] LEAP and MGIMO launched the Euro-BRICS process in 2009 on this intuition stated here: Why Euro-BRICS? or here: Concept of the 4th seminar
[3] At least Mr Hollande, Ms Merkel, Mr Modi, Mr Putin, Ms Rousseff, Mr Xi, Mr Zuma.
[4] Ideally as a side event of the upcoming BRICS Summit in Brazil mid-July; at the latest, early 2015.