Conscience Sociale
Avec les sciences, avec l'humain, sur le chemin de la Tradition. L'appel du Sacré.
Our Research Notes on Geo-economics, Gold, & the Monetary System
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Key Indicators of the Global Systemic Crisis
The Gold Basis
The U.S. Debt Dashboard [Key Indicators of the U.S. Budget, Spendings and Debt Holders]
The U.S. Federal Reserve's Dashboard
Dashboard of US Economy
US Dollar, Euro, RMB - Yuan as international invoicing and reserve currencies
US Treasury Foreign Holders: History of the first global empire of debt
Key Indicators for the Monetary War against Currencies
The UK Debt Dashboard
The Japan Debt Dashboard
Anticipation de létat écologique du monde en 2050
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Cover up that MINT, which I can’t endure to look on
The BRICS are a very concrete and current example that the economy is actually only a facet or a mask artificially stuck on politics...
Le retour de l’or, MINTenant
Les pays BRICS sont une illustration très concrète et actuelle que l’économie n’est en réalité qu’une facette ou un masque artificiel...
Who could protect JPMorgan bankers and owners?
The endgame is unfolding, as all the persons interested in the gold market now know. The return of gold as the central asset in the com...
Le point d'arrêt de la pensée unique de l'Occident
Quel est le point commun fondamental entre les prises de position sur les événements actuels aux USA de Noam Chomsky qui se reve...
Artwork: The One Bond
Three Strings for the Eastern-kings under the tie, Seven for the Oil-lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Banks doomed to ...
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