Conscience Sociale
Avec les sciences, avec l'humain, sur le chemin de la Tradition. L'appel du Sacré.
Our Research Notes on Geo-economics, Gold, & the Monetary System
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Key Indicators of the Global Systemic Crisis
The Gold Basis
The U.S. Debt Dashboard [Key Indicators of the U.S. Budget, Spendings and Debt Holders]
The U.S. Federal Reserve's Dashboard
Dashboard of US Economy
US Dollar, Euro, RMB - Yuan as international invoicing and reserve currencies
US Treasury Foreign Holders: History of the first global empire of debt
Key Indicators for the Monetary War against Currencies
The UK Debt Dashboard
The Japan Debt Dashboard
Anticipation de létat écologique du monde en 2050
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Did JPM ask knowledgeable investors or baboons ?
The question was clear : " How much do you think 10-year UST yields will change in the event in the event of a technical default ...
The monetary war in seventy-one seconds
James Rickards has given few days ago a very interesting interview to Mineweb Radio in South Africa. I consider this as the best ...
Carving #freedom, 4350 years before Paul Eluard
[1] Urukagina, the leader of the Sumerian city-state of Girsu/Lagash, led a popular movement that resulted in the reform of the oppr...
Contribution au débat national sur la Syrie
Depuis le 21 Août, les évènements s'accélèrent autour de la crise Syrienne. Il est fort possible que cette pression retombe ...
Les banquiers centraux et leurs émotions
[MAJ le 30/08] Le Financial Times vient de publier un article que j'attendais depuis 2007: Central bankers have given up on fixing...
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